After a 17 hour work day, I finally logged on to my email and to my amazement, there was an email waiting for us all day with lots of great details about Elizabeth. Not to mention her picture. Thanks to our friend Betty she helped us do a preliminary translation.
Elizabeth is a halloween baby born on 10-31-04. She is currently residing in the Huainan Social Welfare Institution in the province of Anhui, which is just west of Shanghai. She has been there since she was just a couple of hours old. The staff named her Huai Dong Song. Haui is for the town she was born in, Dong means winter and Song mean pine. Her file says that they named her Dong Song because they wanted her to be like a winter pine tree ~ to be strong and pretty as she grows. They report that her favorite activity is listening to music and that her favorite toy is bells. One report says she is timid and shy while another one says she is outgoing and active. They say she is closest to her caregiver and likes to be held. They say that she can only be put down to play with bells. That may be a challenge to live up to !! She is reported to be a deep sleeper (YES!!!!) but wakes at 5:30AM for milk and goes back to sleep until 7AM. She goes to be at 10am. Yikes, that is later than we go to bed!! Someone's schedule will be changing, we will have to see whose it will be! We are a little unclear now about how much she weighs but we have one report that she was 20 pounds. I am sure she must be more than that by now. We are going to a travel meeting tomorrow so hopefully we will have more information about our plans to go pick her up soon!!
The first picture is a younger picture that they sent us and the second picture is one we think was taken this winter.
We are so excited to be mommy and daddy to this beautiful little girl!!!
Oh my goodness. She is beautiful!!! You just want to pick her up and hug her when you see that pictures. You have to be walking on air!!! Congrats again. I forsee many, many happy times ahead. Sherry McCormick, Gloucester Point
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter!! Your life will never be the same!
OH MY! What a pretty little girl! Congratulations!
So precious.
And I love her name, I like how you put in Mei Song, it is so beautiful!
She is just a darling! Congratulations!!
She's a beautiful little girl, I'm very happy for you :)
Hi Mom and Dad, She is a beauty and sounds like a wonderful little girl. Everyone life will change for the better! Love just covers all you will have to do. Hope the trip is soon, safe and fun. enjoy every thought of your little girl. Love and prayers, aunt Margaret, Uncle Bob and all your Rooney cousins. PS Bob says Pop rooney's mother was born on 10/31! Makes for great parties!
Hi there, my name is Ally! I have a little sister who is adopted (domestic) Before we got her, we looked into the International process so I was just browsing all the blogs and I came across your site and I had to say congratulations to you and your family! What a blessing!
Stop by my blog anytime!
She is beautiful! I love her lips! Congrats :)
She's just beautiful. Congratulations!
Hi Debbie~
She is BEAUTIFUL! So precious! I'm so happy for you!!
Shes absolutely beautiful!!!! Big congrats to you =)
Congratulations! She is beautiful!! We have the same LID and received our referral too. Our daughter, Ling Ao, is currently 22 months old. We are using AFTH, too, but we were unable to make it to the meeting. PLEASE email me privately at ooglesby@peoplepc.com
We are desperate to know the details of the meeting!!!!! Again, congratulations! Hopefully, we will be traveling together. www.deshengdarling.blogspot.com
Sam and Deb, Congrats!!! She is gorgeous! I'll show Rocky and Peyton her pix later. Peyton is already excited. She can't wait to meet her new friend! Halloween Birthday parties!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Love, Deb, Jeff, James, Peyton and Fudge
WELCOME BEAUTIFUL ELIZABETH!!!! Isabella and I can not wait to have a play date :) She is beautiful Debbie and Sam, we are all so excited for you :)
Congratulations Mom and Dad, I could not be happier for the two of you. All Elizabeth Mei needs is the warmth and love and attention of wonderful people like you two. She has beautiful eyes and I think there is a lot of spirit inside that sweet little doll face just waiting to be shared with her new family. She'll turn your life upside down in such a wonderful way you will wonder how life ever was without her. God bless you all and I can't wait to greet her. Love, Her "Aunt" Katy
congrats!!!she is such a cutie!!
Elizabeth is so cute. You are going to have so much fun. Wishing you the very best.
Debbie ~
Congratulations to you and your family. She is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Congratulations Sam and Debbie! What a beautiful little girl Elizabeth is. I am very happy for all three of you. You will make a beautiful family.
Tara Frederick
Congratulations! I found you from Desheng Darling's blog.
Our 4 year old daughter is an Anhui girl too, she is from AnQing. Have you heard of lilybugwear.com? They sell Anhui Girl tee shirts and Miss Firecracker wears hers at least 3 times a week.
Safe travels!
I saw your message on my blog, I'm Fin's mom. Please feel free to email me at MomofSharkBait@aol.com . We can talk via email or arrange a phone call. I would be happy to share the little bit I have learned. And, CONGRATULATION! Elizabeth is so lovely. She has great serenity in her beautiful face!
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